Sunday, October 16, 2022

Dayna's Clothes - Worst to Best


Today we're ranking Dayna's personal wardrobe, not counting spacesuits or borrowed articles of clothing. 

#11. "Shameless Dayna"

WORN IN: Sarcophagus (3x09)

It's a horrendous, crass design that's meant for two things: 1) to emphasize Josette Simon's figure. 2) To torture anyone with a fashion sense. Legend has it she couldn't even keep the weird bra thing on. I'd have brought my own clothes on set, to be honest. Anything would be an improvement. 

#10. "Pink Panther Dayna"

WORN IN: Volcano (3x03)

I actually rather like the designs on the trousers, but the salmon color doesn't suit Dayna - or anyone else for that matter. The less said about the plastic coat, the better. Rubbish conceptually and practically. 

#9. "Sniper Dayna"

WORN IN: Aftermath (3x01) - Powerplay (3x02)

I think I'd be more positive towards this costume if there was a clasp or decoration at the shoulder. As it is, it looks like Dayna's just wrapped a fancy blanket around her. I get that it makes sense for her character to have one arm free for using a bow, but aesthetically, it doesn't appeal to me and I feel the pure white fabric clashes with the tint of her skin. Should've given this one to Servalan and kept the purple number... 

#8. "Royal Dayna"

WORN IN: The Harvest of Kairos (3x05), Moloch (3x11)

I give it points for being more visually distinctive than most Dayna costumes, and it certainly hugs Josette Simon's figure rather well. But those golden decorations just look silly, especially on her. Why not give her some proper military fatigues? She is an action-oriented character, after all. 

#7. "Back to Basics Dayna"

WORN IN: Rumours of Death (3x08), Death-Watch (3x12)

They're pyjamas. Comfy-looking pyjamas, but pyjamas nonetheless. I find it interesting that so many of Dayna's outfits from this period are one-color jumpsuits. I guess it's to emphasize how simple and straightforward she is? At least these are suitable for martial arts, and nice to look at. 

#6. "Upper Class Dayna"

WORN IN: Children of Auron (3x07)

A more refined look for Dayna, which I appreciate as it gives her slightly more depth. I like the scarf thing. It's still not a very complicated costume, but it's much more mature and respectable than anything else below it. 

Except for the plastic Volcano coat. Bugger off. 

#5. "Super-Dayna"

WORN IN: Assassin (4x07) - Blake (4x13)

Quite possibly the most comic book attire ever worn on Blake's 7. It's completely impractical and silly, but at the same time it's also cool. It works perfectly in the Marvel comic strips, but seeing it in live-action is weird. I keep expecting Dayna to turn 2D and start blasting troopers to the rhyhtm of her own theme song. 

#4. "Racing Stripes Dayna"

WORN IN: Rescue (4x01) - Headhunter (4x06)

This one fits in well with Tarrant's racer look, appropriately enough. I have no particular thoughts about it. It's a functional, contemporary design that would be worn nowadays. There's not much to criticise or to praise. I don't think it says much about Dayna's character, but at least it doesn't embarrass her in any way either. 

#3. "Bloody Dayna"

WORN IN: City at the Edge of the World (3x06)

An upgrade on her earlier shoulder-baring bowman costume, but a much better execution of that idea. The red velvety looking shirt/coat/whatever looks better than the white linen one (and because it has an actual sleeve, it doesn't just look like a blanket she threw on) and the brown dress helps to bring the look together. 

#2. "Harley Quinn Dayna"

WORN IN: Ultraworld (3x10), Terminal (3x13) - Rescue (4x01)

Stylish and athletic, perfectly suiting Dayna's personality and physicality. I would argue that this is her first of two outfits that's actually pretty awesome. The red and black colors might symbolize blood and grief, emphasizing how she is entirely driven by a need for revenge against Servalan. 

#1. "Jedi Dayna"

WORN IN: Dawn of the Gods (3x04)

What can I say, I'm a sucker for a V-front. I think this costume flatters Simon the most. It looks cool and it doesn't needlessly bring her sexuality to the forefront (as it never seems to be a major component of the character), but rather focuses on Dayna's martial arts background. Blue also seems to suit her very well 

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