Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Credit Transfer (1981) Review

Credit Transfer is a humorous short addition to the first Marvel Blake's 7 magazine, but a worthy read, showing the crew doing exactly what I love seeing them do in Avon's era - piracy.


No specific credit.


In order to improve the crew's monetary situation, Avon schedules a holiday to the Duxa relaxation centre, used by the Federation's richest Alphas. Before he can rob them blind, however, Avon's steam sauna is interrupted by the arrival of Commissioner Sleer...


It's a hoot - one of Avon's most likable and underrated qualities is his penchant for occasional mischief and in Credit Transfer, we see him completely in his own element, having fun without a care in the world. It's a shame the show would insist on pitting him against the Federation so often when we could've had more of this. But then I suppose the audience gravitated towards the more dramatic aspects of the series.


As already said, Avon's a ton of fun(though he's arguably even a little too exuberant). Vila, on the other hand, is just a sad sack constantly complaining and trying to escape, which I don't think fits the character at all. Vila should feel right at home robbing a spa.

Servalan is also hilariously OTT, screaming at the skies with a clenched fist like a, err, well, a comic book villain.


*This story was published in the Blake's 7 Marvel Monthly issue 1.

*Vila seems to have a working class hatred for Alphas, despite pointing out in Volcano that he bought a lower classification intentionally.

*In a feeble and non-sarcastic attempt to dissuade Avon, Vila suggests robbing the Federation Bank on Earth instead(the crime that got the former on the London in Space Fall to begin with). I'm not sure I get the joke, though. Wouldn't the Federation Bank be far better defended? And if it's not, why aren't they aiming for that?

*Avon dubs himself "Commander Callac of the Callic Freight Company. Still has the Auronar on his mind...

*Why doesn't Avon just use the stolen credit slip to buy the Dynamon crystals? Does it not actually have credits on it? If so, how come the Federation didn't know?

*Avon being caught mid-steam bath by Servalan is comedy gold. I dearly wish Darrow and Pearce had had the chance to play that.

*Tarrant claims he can't lock the tracker beam on Vila or Soolin until they've recovered Avon from the vault he's been locked in, which just sounds like nonsense to me. The teleporter has never required all the wristbearers to be present.

*Apparently, the servant Deltas of either the facility or its guest are drug-addled. A possible reference to the Pacification arc in Series D?

*The Duxan facility has rudimentary teleport technology to enter the valuables into the Vault, suggesting that the Federation has made some progress with that.

*Avon happily shouting "I knew you could do it!" at Vila is another thing I'd have loved to see Darrow do onscreen.


*The crew requires more Dynamon crystals to operate the Scorpio. This is a callback to Power, though in that episode, they were only needed to repair the teleport system.


"I'll accept an I.O.U. whenever you like."


A proper laugh, this one, but in a good way.

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